48 research outputs found


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    The economic distance defines a dissimilarity level between objects functioning in the economic space. It is one of the most important issues of spatial econometrics. However its measurement is difficult due to the definition, description and estimation problems. The objective of the paper is to indicate the role of symbolic data in describing the economic distance and also the way of its measurement using symbolic data analysis methods. A significance of the economic distance, measurement problems, symbolic data concept and dissimilarity measures, and also an empirical example were presented in the paper

    Application of Classification Trees in the Analysis of the Population Ageing Process

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    A process of socio-economic development is continuously accompanied by a process of population ageing. In terms of a policy of regional development, it is valuable to identify factors of ageing to mitigate or impede its undesirable impact on a national economy. The paper discusses how to model the process of ageing using classification trees and presents an empirical study. The main research question is if the populations similar in their degrees of ageing, feature common demographic conditions of this process as well


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    Spatial analyses suffer from modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP). This occurs while operating on aggregated data determined for high-level territorial units, e.g. official statistics for countries. Generalization process deprives the data of variation. Carrying out research excluding territorial distribution of a phenomenon affects the analysis results and reduces their reliability. The paper proposes to use symbolic data analysis (SDA) to reduce MAUP. SDA proposes an alternative form of individual data aggregation and deals with multivariate analysis of interval- valued, multi-valued and histogram data. The paper discusses the scale effect of MAUP which occurs in a gravity model of population migrations and shows how SDA can deal with this problem. Symbolic interval-valued data was used to determine the economic distance between regions which served as a separation function in the model. The proposed approach revealed that economic disparities in Poland are lower than official statistics show but they are still one of the most important factors of domestic migration flows

    Wielowymiarowa analiza zmian demograficznych w Polsce w świetle koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju

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    Sustainable development assumes improvement in the quality of living of present and future generations by achieving social, economic and environmental balance. Demographic changes play a significant role in this process due to their long-term impact on social and economic outcomes. The population of Poland is relatively young in comparison to other EU members but it is ageing very rapidly. This demographic process raises challenges for social policy, which include changes in the quality of life of the elderly population. The aim of the paper is to compare Polish voivodships (NUTS-2 territorial units) with respect to main features of both the demographic change and of economic situation of population aged 55 and over. We use selected indicators characterizing the demographic situation of the ageing Polish population, as well as the financial and occupational status of the elderly. Based on these indicators, we calculate synthetic measures of development. The results enable us to evaluate the demographic situation of Polish regions as well as distinguish main trends of the changes

    The Application Of Local Indicators For Categorical Data (LICD) In The Spatial Analysis Of Economic Development

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    Firstly, we identify classes of regions presenting different economic development levels using taxonomic methods of multivariate data analysis. Secondly, we apply a join-count test to examine spatial dependencies between regions. It examines the tendency to form the spatial clusters. The global test indicates general spatial interactions between regions, while local tests give detailed results separately for each region. The global test detects spatial clustering of economically poor regions but is statistically insignificant as regards well-developed regions. Thus, the local tests are also applied. They indicate the occurrence of five spatial clusters and three outliers in Poland. There are three clusters of wealth. Their development is based on a diffusion impact of regional economic centres. The areas of eastern and north western Poland include clusters of poverty. The first one is impeded by the presense of three indiviual growth centres, while the second one is out of range of diffusion influence of bigger agglomerations


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    The objective of the paper is to identify subregions (NUTS 3) of the central part of Poland pretending to metropolitan areas, as well as to study their impact on the domestic migration flows. Their social and economic situations in 2008 were determined on the basis of the composite measure values. Their participation in the domestic migration flows in the period 2008-2010, considering the directions, range and intensity of flows, was also examined. Only Warsaw is the completely shaped metropolitan area in Poland. The city demonstrates the highest economic potential and therefore the strongest migration flows and dependences with other subregions. The cities of Poznań and Łódź and also the Bydgosko-toruński subregion can be recognized as developing metropolitan areas. These subregions represent significant economic centres; however migration flows related to them demonstrate mainly regional importance

    The Analysis of Interregional Migrations in Poland in the Period 2004–2010 Using Panel Gravity Model

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    The paper discusses the problem of migration in spatial and temporal perspective. The objective is to evaluate the intensity and direction of selected economic variables impact on the volume of interregional migration flows in Poland in the period 2004–2010. The analysis was performed using panel gravity model with fixed effects. The socio-economic situation and espe-cially the level of salaries determine migration directions in Poland. Significant movements keep occurring between economically stronger regions. They indicate tendencies towards obtaining positive net migration

    Ekonomiczno-społeczne uwarunkowania migracji wewnętrznych w Polsce w świetle metody drzew klasyfikacyjnych

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    This paper analyses socio-economic determinants of migration flows between Polish sub-regions in the years 2008–2010 by using the classification trees (CART) method. Six explanatory variables are selected to determine migration, including GDP per capita, number of economic entities (firms) per 100 inhabitants, investment assets and tangible assets per capita, registered unemployment rate, as well as average monthly salary. The CART method is then used to build models explaining the classification of migration flows into four quartile-based categories. The results confirm that the classification of internal migration flows is strongly determined by socio-economic features, in particular the number of economic entities, investment assets per capita and the unemployment rate. The suburbanisation from cities to neighbouring sub-regions is clearly demonstrated. Better developed regions, especially the largest Polish cities, have the highest migration outflows as well as inflows, yet retain positive net migration. We argue that the proposed analytical approach enables to determine the multidimensional relationships between explanatory social-economic variables and the migration coefficients under study


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    The relations between metropolitan areas of southern Poland and domestic population migration flows in the period of 2008-2010 were discussed in this paper. Southern Polish regions demonstrate low intensity of intraregional population movements while interregional flows are quite significant, within considering territory. The majority of migration flows occur in relation to the cities of Wrocław and Cracow, as regards neighbouring as well as remaining regions of Poland, due to their economic potential and metropolitan character.W artykule zbadano relacje między obszarami metropolitalnymi Polski południowej a krajowym przepływem migracyjnym ludności w okresie 2008-2010. Regiony Polski południowej wykazują niskie natężenie przepływów wewnątrzregionalnych w porównaniu do pozostałych części kraju, ale intensywne ruchy międzyregionalne w obrębie analizowanego obszaru. Największe przepływy migracyjne dotyczą Wrocławia i Krakowa, zarówno w odniesieniu do regionów sąsiadujących, jak i dalszych, co potwierdza ich potencjał gospodarczy oraz metropolitalny charakter